Cozy up with these sensory activities for colder days…

Embrace the Cozy Vibes: Sensory Activities for Colder Months


As the temperature drops and the days grow shorter, there’s nothing quite like indulging in cozy sensory activities to warm your spirit and enhance your well-being. The colder months invite us to slow down, cozy up, and engage our senses in delightful ways. In this blog post, we’ll explore a variety of sensory activities to help you embrace the charm of winter and create a cozy atmosphere in the comfort of your home.


Hot Cocoa and Aromatherapy:

  • Prepare a mug of hot cocoa with your favorite toppings (marshmallows, whipped cream, or a sprinkle of cinnamon) and savor the rich, comforting aroma. Let the scent of cocoa and warm beverages fill your space, triggering a sense of comfort and relaxation.

Fuzzy Blankets and Soft Textiles:

  • Wrap little ones in a plush, fuzzy blanket and enjoy the softness against their skin. Experiment with different textures and materials to find what soothes them best. Consider adding velvety pillows or a fluffy rug to enhance the tactile experience.


Crackling Fireplace or Ambient Sounds:

  • If you have a fireplace, light it up and listen to the soothing crackle of burning wood. Alternatively, play ambient sounds of crackling fires or gentle rain, creating a serene auditory atmosphere that enhances the cozy ambiance.

Candlelight and Mood Lighting:

  • Light scented candles or set up string lights to add a warm, soft glow to your living space. The flickering candlelight and gentle illumination will create a calming and inviting environment for little ones.

Scented Potpourri or Essential Oils:

  • Create a delightful potpourri mix with dried spices, citrus peels, and aromatic herbs like cinnamon sticks and cloves. Alternatively, use essential oils in a diffuser to fill the air with seasonal scents like pine, cinnamon, or vanilla, bringing the essence of winter indoors.

Aromatherapeutic Bath:

  • Treat little ones to a luxurious, warm bath infused with essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, or eucalyptus. Immerse yourself and them in the relaxing scents and let the warm water soothe your muscles and calm your mind.

Baking and Cooking Comfort Foods:

  • Engage a sense of taste and smell by baking or cooking your favorite comfort foods like cookies, pies, soups, or stews. The aroma of freshly baked goods will fill your home, creating a cozy and appetising atmosphere. If your baby is old enough let them explore the new flavours or if not allow them to explore the textures with their hands and feet.

Soft Music or Nature Sounds:

  • Play soft instrumental music or nature sounds like rain, forest, or ocean waves in the background. Allow the soothing sounds to transport you both to a tranquil and peaceful state of mind.


Texture Exploration with Fabrics:

Seasonal Reading Nook:

  • Set up a cozy reading nook with soft blankets, plush pillows, and warm lighting. Delve into a captivating book, getting lost in the words and the ambiance.


The colder months are a wonderful opportunity to create a sensory-rich, cozy haven in your own home. By incorporating these delightful sensory activities into your routine, you can fully immerse your little one in the pleasures of winter, bringing comfort and joy to even the chilliest of days. Stay warm, embrace the coziness, and relish the beauty of the season!Sensory Activities

Ah, nurturing your little one to reach those precious developmental milestones is a thrilling and rewarding journey. Help your baby to meet these milestones ensures that they are on track with their growth and development.Ā Here are our tips to help you support and encourage your baby’s growth and development:


Engage in Playtime:

Spend quality time playing with your baby. Use colourful toys, books, and interactive games to stimulate their senses and encourage exploration.


Encourage Tummy Time:

Place your baby on their tummy to help develop their neck, back, and shoulder muscles. Always supervise tummy time and gradually increase the duration as they grow.


Offer Lots of Interaction:

Engage in face-to-face interactions and maintain eye contact. Talk, sing, and make different facial expressions to encourage communication and social skills.


Provide a Safe Environment:

Ensure a safe and secure space for your baby to move around and explore. Baby-proof your home to prevent accidents and allow for unrestricted movement.


Promote Motor Skills:

Encourage reaching, grabbing, and grasping objects. Use toys that are appropriate for their age and developmental stage to improve their motor skills.


Read to Your Baby:

Reading aloud to your baby promotes language development and cognitive skills. Choose age-appropriate books with vibrant pictures and simple text.


Offer a Variety of Textures:

Let your baby touch different textures like soft blankets, bumpy toys, or smooth surfaces to enhance their sensory experiences.


Facilitate Movement:

Provide opportunities for your baby to move and explore, whether it’s through crawling, rolling, or reaching. Clear a safe area where they can move freely.


Encourage Exploration:

Allow your baby to explore their surroundings, whether it’s through reaching for objects, touching various surfaces, or listening to different sounds. You could always join your local Adventure Babies class!Ā 


Maintain a Routine:

Establish a daily routine for feeding, napping, and playtime. Consistent routines provide a sense of security and structure for your baby.


Offer Balanced Nutrition:

Ensure your baby is receiving a nutritious and balanced diet suitable for their age. Consult a GP for guidance on appropriate foods and feeding schedules.

Get Regular Check-ups:

Schedule regular well-baby check-ups with your GP or health visitor. They will monitor your baby’s growth and development and provide guidance based on their progress.


Celebrate Progress:

Celebrate each milestone your baby achieves, no matter how small. Offer praise and encouragement to boost their confidence and motivation.


From their first adorable smile to their wobbly first steps, each milestone marks a step forward in their journey towards independence and understanding the world around them. Meeting developmental milestones is a clear indication that your baby is in good health, if there are delays or deviations, early detection can be crucial. It allows for timely interventions, which might make a significant difference in their overall development.


Remember, every baby develops at their own pace. Be patient, provide love, and create a stimulating environment that encourages growth and exploration.

Developmental Milestones

Tiny Triumphs –Ā Whoā€™s in the newborn club?

Letā€™s look at development of our smallest adventurers!

Hey there, proud parents

The first three months with a newborn are an extraordinary rollercoaster of emotions, sleepless nights, and heart-melting moments. It’s a time when your little one transforms from a squishy newborn into a tiny human with budding personality traits. Today, we’re diving into the magical world of developmental milestones in babies aged 0-3 months.


Week 1-2: The Newborn Marvel

Congratulations! You’ve just brought home your little miracle. During the first couple of weeks, your baby is still adjusting to life outside the womb. Here’s what you can expect:

The Grasp Reflex: When you touch your baby’s palm, they’ll instinctively grip your finger. It’s like they’re saying, “Hold my hand, please!”

The Startle Reflex: Loud noises or sudden movements might make your baby flail their arms and legs. It’s their way of showing they’re still getting used to this big, noisy world.

The Rooting Reflex: If you stroke your baby’s cheek, they’ll turn their head toward your hand, seeking that sweet source of nourishment: the breast or bottle.


Week 3-6: Smiles and Social Butterflies

Around this time, you might be blessed with your baby’s first social smile. It’s not just gas; it’s genuine happiness! šŸ˜Š

Social Smiles: Your heart will melt when your baby looks at you and smiles. It’s a sign they’re recognizing your face and bonding with you.

Tummy Time: Begin incorporating short tummy time sessions to help your baby strengthen their neck muscles. It’s a workout that sets the stage for future milestones.


Week 7-12: Coos and Giggles Galore

Get ready for some delightful vocalisations! Your baby will start experimenting with sounds, giving you a taste of their developing personality.

Cooing: You might hear your baby making adorable cooing sounds. Respond to them; it’s the beginning of conversations to come!

Tracking Objects: Watch in awe as your little one begins to follow objects with their eyes. It’s like their own mini safari adventure.

Giggles: Laughter alert! Some babies start giggling around this age, often in response to playful interactions with you.


Week 13: The Grand Finale of the Newborn Phase

As you reach the end of the first three months, you’ll be amazed at how your tiny newborn has transformed into a more interactive and expressive baby. They’ve grown in leaps and bounds, both figuratively and literally.

Head Control: Your baby’s neck muscles are getting stronger, allowing for better head control. Support them during tummy time to encourage this development.

First Interaction: Your baby might start showing more interest in their surroundings and other people. Peek-a-boo becomes the ultimate hit!

Sleep Patterns: You might notice that your baby’s sleep patterns are slowly becoming more predictable. You might even get a few longer stretches of shut-eye.

As you cherish each moment with your little one, remember that every baby develops at their own pace. Celebrate these milestones as they come and savour the journey of discovery together.

Feel free to share your own experiences either in class, or on our Adventure Babies Instagram page

Let’s celebrate the tiny triumphs of these precious first three months! šŸ¼šŸ‘¶šŸ’•

Until next time,

Emma x

Newborn Development

During hot weather, it’s important to ensure that your baby sleeps comfortably and safely. Here are some recommendations for what your baby should sleep in during hot weather:

  1. Light and Breathable Clothing: Dress your baby in light, breathable clothing made of natural fabrics like cotton. Avoid overdressing and keep the clothing loose-fitting to allow air circulation.
  2. Sleep Sack: Instead of heavy blankets, consider using a lightweight sleep sack that is appropriate for the temperature. Make sure it’s not too tight and allows your baby to move their hips comfortably.
  3. Fan or Air Conditioning: If you have access to air conditioning or a fan, use it to maintain a comfortable sleeping environment. Just make sure the baby isn’t placed directly in front of a fan or exposed to a chilly AC draft.
  4. Adjust Room Temperature: Keep the room at a comfortable temperature. It’s generally recommended to keep the room between 16-20Ā°C for a baby’s sleep. Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature and ensure it’s not too hot or too cold.
  5. Cot Placement: Place the cot away from direct sunlight and heat sources. If your baby’s room gets a lot of sunlight, consider using blackout curtains to keep the room cooler.
  6. Hydration: If your baby is breastfeeding or formula feeding, ensure they are well-hydrated during hot weather. Breast milk or formula provides the necessary hydration. If your baby is older and consuming solid foods, you can offer water in small amounts as well.
  7. Check for Overheating: Regularly check your baby to make sure they are not overheating. Feel their neck or back to see if they are too warm. Sweating excessively or having flushed skin can be signs of overheating.
  8. Skip Extra Bedding: Avoid using unnecessary bedding like thick blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals in the crib. These items can increase the risk of overheating.
  9. Skin-to-Skin Contact: Consider having skin-to-skin contact with your baby for short periods of time. This helps regulate their body temperature and creates a sense of comfort.
  10. Nap Time Locations: If the baby’s room is too hot during the day, consider having them nap in a cooler room or even in a well-ventilated pram. Just ensure they are supervised at all times.

Always prioritize your baby’s safety and comfort. If you’re unsure about how to dress your baby or how to create a safe sleep environment, you can consult with your GP for personalised guidance based on your baby’s age and health. Or chat to your local Adventure Babies team about how to keep your baby comfortable in this hot weather.Ā 


Keep your baby cool during hot weather

When Will My Baby Start To Talk?

Babies typically start babbling and making sounds within their first few months of life. However, the age at which they begin to say their first words can vary. On average, most babies say their first words between 9 and 12 months of age. Some babies may start talking as early as 7 or 8 months, while others may take a little longer and begin speaking around 15 months.

It’s important to keep in mind that each baby develops at their own pace, and there is a wide range of what is considered normal. Some babies may be more focused on physical development initially, while others may show a stronger inclination towards language skills. Also, the language environment and interactions within the family play a significant role in language development.

Before saying their first words, babies often engage in babbling, cooing, and experimenting with sounds. These early vocalisations are part of the process of developing the muscles and coordination needed for speech.

If you have concerns about your baby’s language development, it’s always a good idea to consult with your GP or a speech-language pathologist. They can assess your baby’s development, provide guidance, and offer suggestions for activities that can support their language skills such as our Adventure Babies sensory storytelling classes.


babies babbling

Encouraging your baby to reach out and grasp objects is beneficial for your baby’s Ā development in several ways:

Fine motor skills: Grasping objects helps babies develop their fine motor skills, which involve the coordination of small muscles, such as those in their fingers and hands. As they practice reaching and grasping, they learn to control their movements and develop greater precision and dexterity.

Hand-eye coordination: When your baby reaches out and grasps an objects, they are required to coordinate their hand movements with their visual perception. This helps improve hand-eye coordination, as they learn to judge distances, align their hands correctly, and manipulate objects based on what they see.

Cognitive development: Grasping objects allows your baby to explore their environment and engage with the world around them. By reaching out and grabbing objects, they learn about cause and effect, as they realize that their actions can have an impact. They also begin to understand concepts such as object permanence, which is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight.

Sensory exploration: When your baby grasps objects, they experience different textures, shapes, and sizes, providing them with sensory stimulation. This sensory exploration helps them develop their tactile senses and enhances their understanding of the physical world.

Independence and self-confidence: As your baby learns to reach out and grasp objects, they gain a sense of independence and control over their surroundings. They become more self-reliant in satisfying their own curiosity and needs. This independence and mastery over their environment contribute to their overall self-confidence and motivation to explore and learn.

To encourage your baby’s development, Adventure Babies classes are filled with exciting resources and inviting activities delivered by well trained early years professionals.

baby's development

Reading is incredibly beneficial for newborn babies and infants. Here are some reasons why reading is good for your new baby:

  1. Language development: Reading aloud to your baby exposes them to the rhythm and patterns of language. It helps them become familiar with the sounds and tones of your voice, which in turn aids in their language development. Regular exposure to language through reading can enhance vocabulary, sentence structure, and communication skills as they grow.
  2. Cognitive development: Reading helps stimulate your baby’s brain and promotes cognitive development. As you read, your baby’s brain makes connections between the words they hear, the pictures they see, and the meaning of the story. This helps develop their thinking, memory, and problem-solving abilities.
  3. Bonding and emotional connection: Reading to your baby is a wonderful way to bond with them. The close physical contact, soothing voice, and shared attention create a positive and nurturing environment. It fosters a sense of security and emotional connection between you and your baby.
  4. Exposure to new concepts: Books introduce babies to various concepts, such as shapes, colours, numbers, animals, and everyday objects. They help expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Bright and colourful illustrations capture their attention and make learning engaging and fun.
  5. Listening skills: Reading aloud helps develop your baby’s listening skills. They learn to focus their attention, follow along with the story, and understand spoken words. These skills are important for later language and literacy development.
  6. Imagination and creativity: Storybooks often take babies on imaginative journeys. They introduce characters, events, and different worlds, stimulating your baby’s imagination and creativity. This lays the foundation for creative thinking and problem-solving abilities in the future.
  7. Early literacy skills: Even though your baby may not understand the words at first, they are building important pre-literacy skills. They learn about the structure of books, how to hold them, turn the pages, and associate the printed text with spoken words. These early literacy skills pave the way for future reading and writing abilities.

It’s never too early to start reading to your baby. Make sure you join your local Adventure Babies sensory storytelling class! Choose age-appropriate board books with simple, colourful illustrations and repetitive text. Make reading a part of your daily routine and enjoy the special moments of closeness and learning with your little one.


reading to your baby

As a new mother, the best thing about the adventure of motherhood is the overwhelming and unconditional love that fills my heart every single day. From the moment I held my child in my arms, a deep connection formed that transcends words. It’s a bond that cannot be described but only felt in the depths of my soul.

Watching my child grow and develop into their own unique individual is truly a miraculous experience. Witnessing their first smile, their first steps, and hearing their first words are moments that bring pure joy and a sense of wonder. Each milestone achieved is a testament to their resilience and the incredible journey we embark on together.

Motherhood has taught me the true meaning of selflessness. It has shown me that I am capable of giving so much more than I ever thought possible. I willingly sacrifice my time, energy, and personal desires to ensure the well-being and happiness of my child. The love I have for them is boundless, and it pushes me to be the best version of myself.

Being a mother has also opened my eyes to the simple joys in life. I find immense happiness in the small moments we share together – a warm hug, a sweet lullaby, or even a silly game of peek-a-boo. It’s in these little moments that I realize how precious and fleeting time can be, and I savour every single one of them.

The adventure of motherhood has taught me patience, resilience, and the art of finding beauty in chaos. It has challenged me in ways I never imagined, but it has also given me an incredible sense of purpose and fulfilment. I am constantly learning, growing, and adapting, and I am grateful for the opportunity to guide and nurture another human being.

Ultimately, the best thing about the adventure of motherhood is the profound impact it has on my life. It has shaped me into a stronger, more compassionate, and empathetic person. It has taught me to love unconditionally and to appreciate the beauty in every stage of life. It enabled me to start Adventure Babies! Motherhood is an adventure like no other, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.


Attending an Adventure Babies baby class can be beneficial for you as a parent in several ways:

  1. Knowledge and Education: Our baby class provides you with valuable knowledge and information about various aspects of child development, parenting techniques, and early childhood education. You can learn about topics such as feeding, sleeping, cognitive development, motor skills, and socialization. This knowledge can empower you to make informed decisions and enhance your understanding of their baby’s needs.
  2. Skill Development: Our baby class involves hands-on activities and demonstrations that help you develop practical skills related to caregiving. For example, you can learn how to properly hold and handle your baby or how to engage in stimulating activities that promote your child’s development. These skills can boost confidence and competence in taking care of your baby.
  3. Social Interaction: Attending our baby class allows you to meet and interact with other parents who are going through similar experiences. This social support network can be invaluable, as it provides an opportunity to share experiences, exchange tips and advice, and build friendships. Connecting with other parents can alleviate feelings of isolation and provide emotional support during the early stages of parenting.
  4. Bonding and Attachment: Our baby class often involves activities that promote parent-child bonding. Through activities such as baby massage, music, or sensory play, parents can strengthen their emotional connection with their baby. Building a secure attachment early on has been linked to positive outcomes in a child’s social, emotional, and cognitive development.
  5. Stimulation and Development: Our baby class typically offers a range of activities designed to stimulate a baby’s senses and support their overall development. These activities can include age-appropriate play, sensory exploration, music, movement, and interactive games. Exposure to new experiences and stimuli can enhance a baby’s cognitive, social, and physical development.
  6. Professional Guidance: In our baby class, you have access to experienced instructors or experts in child development who can provide guidance and answer questions. They can offer evidence-based advice, address concerns, and provide personalised support tailored to each family’s needs. Having access to professional guidance can be reassuring for you, especially when you are navigating the challenges and uncertainties of early parenthood.

Overall, attending Adventure Babies, can offer adults a range of benefits, including knowledge acquisition, skill development, social support, enhanced bonding with your baby, and opportunities for stimulating your child’s development. It can contribute to a positive and informed parenting experience, laying a strong foundation for the well-being and growth of both parents and class

The million dollar question that every new parent asks themselves! When will my baby sleep through the night?

Well as you already know every baby is different, and there is no fixed age or guaranteed timeline for when a baby will start sleeping through the night. While some babies may begin sleeping for longer stretches at around 3-4 months, others may take longer. Some babies may start sleeping through the night as early as 6 months, while others may not do so until they are a year old or even older.

Several factors can influence a baby’s sleep patterns, including their individual development, feeding habits, and sleep routines. It’s important to remember that sleep patterns can vary widely, and it’s perfectly normal for babies to wake up during the night for various reasons, such as hunger, discomfort, or the need for parental reassurance.

As a parent, you can help encourage healthy sleep habits by establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a soothing sleep environment, and ensuring your baby is well-fed and comfortable before bedtime. Additionally, consulting with your GP or a sleep specialist can provide you with personalised guidance and suggestions based on your baby’s unique needs. Also come alog to a class like Adventure Babies and talk it out with other parents.





When will my baby sleep through the night