Let’s dive into the wonderful world of baby classes and explore what your adorable 2-month-old bundle of joy can gain from our delightful sessions.

First things first, you might be thinking, “Wait, my little one is only 2 months old. Do they really need baby classes?” The short answer is yes, and here’s why!

  1. Sensory Stimulation: At 2 months old, your baby is like a little sponge, soaking up everything in their surroundings. Adventure Babies classes provide a fantastic opportunity for sensory stimulation, from the soft touch of different textures to the gentle sounds of lullabies. These experiences help develop your baby’s sensory awareness and lay the foundation for future learning.
  2. Bonding Time: Baby classes aren’t just for your little one—they’re for you too! Participating in these classes allows you to spend quality time bonding with your baby. Whether it’s through soothing massages or engaging in eye contact during activities, these shared experiences strengthen the parent-child connection.
  3. Socialisation: Believe it or not, even at 2 months, your baby is starting to become aware of the world around them. Baby classes offer a safe and supportive environment for your little one to interact with other babies and caregivers. Early socialisation can contribute to the development of essential social skills down the road. It is also an important chance for you to socialise with adults who are going through the same parenting journey as you.
  4. Brain Development: Your baby’s brain is growing at an astonishing rate, and baby classes provide the perfect stimulation for cognitive development. Simple activities like tracking moving objects or focusing on colourful toys can enhance your baby’s visual and cognitive abilities.
  5. Routine and Structure: Establishing a routine is beneficial for both babies and parents. Baby classes often follow a predictable structure, helping your little one become familiar with routine and rhythm. This can be particularly soothing for babies and can contribute to better sleep patterns.
  6. Parent Education: Baby classes are not just about your little one; they’re also an opportunity for you to learn more about infant development, parenting tips, and techniques to support your baby’s growth. Knowledge is power, and these classes provide a wealth of information for new parents.
  7. Fun and Joy: Let’s not forget the most important part—baby classes are loads of fun! From playful songs to adorable baby-friendly activities, these classes bring immense joy to your little one (and to you, of course). Laughter and smiles are guaranteed!

In conclusion, while your 2-month-old might not be doing somersaults or reciting Shakespeare just yet, baby classes offer a myriad of benefits for their early development. From sensory stimulation to socialisation and the pure joy of shared moments, these classes set the stage for a happy and healthy start to your baby’s journey. So, get ready to read, sing, play, and create wonderful memories together!


2 months old

As parents, we naturally shower our little ones with love and affection, but have you ever wondered just how crucial this affection is for your baby’s development? Well, it turns out, it’s the secret sauce that helps them thrive in more ways than one! Affection plays a vital role in supporting your baby’s development in several ways:

  1. Emotional Connection: Affection is the cornerstone of building a strong emotional bond between you and your baby. This deep connection forms the basis of trust and security that they’ll carry with them throughout life.
  2. Brain Boost: When you cuddle, kiss, or simply gaze into your baby’s eyes, you trigger the release of oxytocin, the “love hormone.” This not only makes both of you feel warm and fuzzy but also promotes healthy brain development, laying the foundation for emotional regulation.
  3. Self-Confidence: Feeling loved and secure helps boost your baby’s self-esteem and confidence. They learn that they are valued and cared for, which contributes to a positive self-image.
  4. Social Savvy: Affectionate interactions teach your baby about social relationships and empathy. Through your loving example, they begin to understand the importance of kindness, sharing, and cooperation.
  5. Stress Soother: Life can be overwhelming, even for little ones. Your affection is like a soothing balm for their stress and anxiety, helping them cope with challenging situations and emotions.
  6. Language and Communication: Those tender moments of talking, singing, and reading to your baby are more than just sweet; they’re essential for language development. Your baby is not only learning words but also the joy of communication.

In essence, affection is the superpower that propels your baby’s emotional, cognitive, and social development. So, it’s not just about activities that support your baby’s development. So, keep those cuddles, kisses, and loving words flowing. Your love is the magic that sets the stage for a happy and thriving child.


Messy play offers a plethora of benefits for babies, making it a valuable and enjoyable activity for their development. Here are some of the key advantages:

Physically, it enhances fine and gross motor skills, promoting muscle development and coordination. It engages all the senses, aiding sensory integration. This fosters creativity and problem-solving abilities, igniting a child’s imagination and curiosity. Moreover, it encourages language development through descriptive words and conversation.

Socially, participating in messy play with your baby strengthens the parent-child bond. It’s a wonderful way to share quality time and create lasting memories. It can be a social activity if done with peers too. Babies learn to share, take turns, and understand social cues during messy play. It also fosters emotional regulation and self-confidence, many babies who start of nervous to get involved in messy activities are emboldened by others in an Adventure Babies class and learn to love it!

Cognitively, messy play stimulates brain development, improving memory and concentration. It cultivates scientific thinking as children make discoveries about cause and effect, quantities, and textures. Most importantly, it instils confidence and a love for learning through the joy of hands-on exploration. Messy play is not just about getting dirty; it’s about laying the foundation for a bright and inquisitive future.

So, with its splashes of paint, squishy textures, and tactile explorations, is an invaluable activity for children’s cognitive and physical development. This delightful chaos is not just fun; it’s an essential part of early learning.


Tummy time is a parent’s secret weapon for super baby development! It’s not just cute; it’s crucial! Those minutes spent on their belly boost neck and upper body strength, laying the foundation for crawling, standing, and walking. Plus, it’s a shield against flat head syndrome and digestive discomfort.

As they lift and play, tummy time enhances sensory and visual skills. It’s a magical moment when little eyes light up exploring the world! Don’t miss out on this bonding bonanza – talking, smiling, and laughing together. So, yes, it’s worth every minute! 💕 #TummyTimeAdventures #BabyMilestones #SuperParenting

1. Strengthens Neck and Upper Body Muscles: Tummy time helps infants develop the muscles in their neck, shoulders, and upper body. This strengthening is essential for later motor skills like crawling and eventually standing and walking.

2. Prevents Flat Head Syndrome: Spending too much time on their backs can lead to positional plagiocephaly or flat head syndrome. Tummy time can help prevent this condition by providing an opportunity for infants to vary their head position and reduce the risk of developing a flat spot on their skull.

3. Improves Motor Skills: Tummy time encourages babies to push up, roll over, and eventually crawl. These are important motor skills that are foundational for further physical development.

4. Enhances Sensory Development: Being on their stomach allows infants to experience their environment from a different perspective. It encourages them to use their senses and engage with their surroundings, which supports sensory and cognitive development.

5. Aids Digestion: Tummy time can help relieve gas and discomfort for some infants, as the pressure on their belly can aid in digestion.
6. Visual Development: When on their stomach, babies have the opportunity to focus on and track objects in their environment. This can promote visual development and strengthen their eye muscles.
7. Prepares for Rolling and Crawling: Tummy time is a transitional phase between lying on their back and achieving mobility through rolling, crawling, and eventually walking. It’s an important step in this developmental process.

8. Prevents Delayed Motor Development: Limited time spent on the stomach can lead to delayed motor development, as babies may not develop the necessary strength and skills to progress to activities like crawling and walking.

9. Encourages Interaction: During tummy time, caregivers often engage with their infants, making it a valuable bonding experience. It’s a chance to talk, make eye contact, and play together, which is essential for emotional development.

10. Reduces the Risk of SIDS: Placing an infant on their back to sleep is the recommended position to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). However, tummy time while the baby is awake and supervised can help strengthen their neck muscles and reduce the risk of SIDS without compromising sleep safety.


As they lift and play, tummy time enhances sensory and visual skills. It’s a magical moment when little eyes light up exploring the world! Don’t miss out on this bonding bonanza – talking, smiling, and laughing together. So, yes, it’s worth every minute!

It’s important to note that tummy time should always be supervised, and caregivers should start gradually, building up the time their infant spends on their stomach as the child becomes more comfortable and stronger. If you have concerns or questions about tummy time or your child’s development, it’s a good idea to consult with a GP or a child development specialist.

Babies grow and develop at their unique pace, and one of the exciting milestones in their first year is supporting your baby learn to sit up independently. As a parent, you can play an essential role in helping your baby achieve this milestone while ensuring their safety and comfort. In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps and tips for encouraging your baby to sit up and share insights into when you can expect them to reach this exciting developmental stage.

The Path to Your Baby Learning to Sit Up:

  1. Tummy Time: Begin with regular tummy time sessions from an early age. This not only helps develop your baby’s neck, back, and shoulder muscles but also encourages them to start lifting their head, a precursor to sitting.
  2. Supportive Gear: Utilize baby seats designed to provide support for sitting. Products like Bumbo seats and high chairs can offer the stability your baby needs to practice their posture.
  3. Cushions and Pillows: Surround your baby with soft pillows or cushions while they practice sitting. These can offer support and cushion any falls.
  4. Play and Engagement: Engage with your baby during sitting practice. Use toys and objects to pique their interest, motivating them to maintain a seated position.
  5. Mirror Play: Babies are often fascinated by their own reflection. Place a baby-safe mirror in front of them during tummy time or when they’re sitting up to encourage them to maintain the position.

Key Tips:

  1. Be Patient: Every baby is unique, and they will reach milestones in their time. Be patient and supportive during their journey to sitting up.
  2. Safety First: Ensure that the environment is safe for your baby to practice sitting. Remove any sharp or hazardous objects, and always have them sit on a soft, padded surface.
  3. Avoid Rushing: Don’t force your baby into a sitting position before they are ready. Let them progress at their pace.

When to Expect Sitting Up:

Most babies start sitting up between the ages of 4 to 7 months. By the end of their sixth month, many can sit for short periods without support. However, it’s important to remember that individual differences are entirely normal, and your baby might reach this milestone a little earlier or later.


Helping your baby learn to sit up is a wonderful journey that requires patience, support, and a safe environment. By following these tips and understanding the developmental milestones, you can encourage your baby’s progress and enjoy this precious phase of their growth. Embrace the excitement of your baby’s achievements and cherish the special moments along the way as they master the art of sitting up on their own.


Baby learn to sit up

Rolling Over: A Joyous Milestone on the Horizon for Your 3-Month-Old”


Hello there, mums of adorable 3-month-olds! It’s truly an exciting time in your baby’s development, and one of the most eagerly anticipated milestones is when they start to roll over. While each baby is unique and will reach this milestone at their own pace, there are some general guidelines to keep in mind.


Rolling over is typically achieved between 4 to 6 months of age, but many babies show signs of readiness around 3 months. Here are some signs that your little one might be gearing up to roll over:


Increased Core Strength: Watch for signs of improved neck and head control. Your baby might start lifting their head during tummy time.


Enhanced Limb Movement: As they discover their limbs, your baby might begin to kick and wiggle more during playtime.


Frequent Attempts: Some babies may start making initial attempts to roll from their back to their tummy or vice versa.


So, how can you help your precious one reach this exciting milestone?


Tummy Time: Place your baby on their tummy for short, supervised periods daily. This helps build the essential muscles needed for rolling.


Use Toys and Mirrors: Place colourful toys or a mirror within their line of sight during tummy time to pique their interest and encourage movement.


Give Them Space: Create a safe and open space for your baby to explore. Lay them on a soft, clean floor with no obstructions, which can motivate them to move around.


Cheer and Encourage: Praise and support your baby as they attempt to roll over. Your smiles, claps, and words of encouragement can boost their confidence.


Join a baby development class filled with original ideas to support your baby with this motor skill development


Avoid Overwhelming Your Baby: Remember that every baby is different, and some may take longer than others to roll over. Be patient and let them progress at their own pace.


The journey to rolling over is a remarkable one, filled with curiosity and growth. Your baby’s determination and the loving environment you provide will ensure they reach this milestone when they’re ready. Enjoy these precious moments, and don’t forget to capture them on camera – they grow up so fast!


Keep in mind that if you ever have concerns about your baby’s development, don’t hesitate to consult with your GP Every baby is unique, and they’ll achieve this milestone at their own pace. Enjoy this magical time with your little one!

Rolling over

👶 We all know that every age in your baby’s development is special and precious, but let’s talk about a truly magical age: the age of discovery and wonder—6 to 12 months! 🌼 This is when your little one is blossoming into a tiny adventurer, ready to conquer the world one giggle at a time. And guess what? Our classes are tailor-made to make this stage even more extraordinary!

🌈 Why 6 to 12 Months is so important 🌈

This age is a pivotal period for your baby’s development. Their senses are sharpening, motor skills are improving, and curiosity is at an all-time high. It’s like they have a front-row seat to a magnificent show, and we’re here to make it the best performance of their young lives!

👀 Sensory Bonanza: At this stage, everything is fascinating! Our classes engage your baby’s senses with vibrant visuals, delightful sounds, and textures that ignite their curiosity.

🖐️ Motor Marvels: From reaching and grasping to crawling and cruising, your little one is mastering their motor skills. Our classes offer activities that encourage and support this physical development in a fun and safe environment.

👶 Social Butterfly Emergence: It’s all about interactions now! Our classes provide the perfect setting for your baby to socialize with other adorable bundles of joy, promoting early social skills and camaraderie.

😃 Joyful Bonding: Attending our classes not only benefits your baby but provides you with an incredible bonding experience. Sharing these delightful moments and witnessing your baby’s joy is absolutely priceless!

💫 Why Our Classes Are Extraordinary 💫

Our classes are designed to captivate your baby’s attention, nurture their development, and fill your hearts with joy. We’re dedicated to creating a space where both you and your little one can thrive, learn, and make beautiful memories together.

So, come join us in this amazing adventure of discovery, growth, and endless giggles! Let’s celebrate these precious 6 to 12 months and create magical memories that’ll last a lifetime. 🌟✨

Ready to embark on this adventure with us? Drop us a message or tag a fellow mama who’s ready for some exciting baby-filled fun! 🎉👶 



What is ‘Mum Guilt’ and why do we feel it?


Mum guilt is a term that most mums are very familiar with, it refers to the emotional and psychological experience that many of us go through, where we feel guilty or anxious about aspects of our parenting, work-life balance, or decisions related to our children.


It can feel like a shadow that trails behind us; a silent companion woven into the fabric of our lives. It’s the echo of every decision, every choice, resonating with the question, “Am I doing enough for my child?”


From the moment we become mothers, we find ourselves navigating a maze of expectations, judgments, and comparisons. Society often paints an ideal image of the perfect mother, a portrait of selflessness and constant sacrifice. The pressure to live up to this ideal can feel suffocating at times.


Mum guilt is pervasive and sneaky, finding a way to seep into even the tiniest crevices of a mother’s heart. It creeps in when you are too tired to play, too swamped to attend a school event, or even when you just want a moment alone. It whispers, “You could do better,” even when you are giving your all.


Mainly, this feeling comes from societal expectations or perceived comparisons with other mothers along with pressure to be a “perfect” parent, and the desire to meet both personal and family needs.


Ironically, ‘mum guilt’ doesn’t just arise from societal pressures, but also from within. Us mothers often set impossibly high standards, aiming for a perfection that’s unattainable. Every mistake, no matter how small, can be amplified by a sense of personal failure. I think this is the key to why we don’t hear the phase ‘Dad Guilt’ anywhere nearly as often.


Historically, mothers have been traditionally expected to bear the primary responsibility for childcare and household duties, which can lead to a different set of pressures and guilt compared to fathers. In recent years, there has been a shift towards more equal parenting roles, but societal norms and expectations still contribute to the perception of “mum guilt” in distinct ways.


So come on, I would love to hear what have you felt guilty about with regard to your parenting recently and I wonder if your partner or husband would hold those same feelings of guilt?

🌟 Hey there, Adventurers! 🌟 Did you know that attending baby classes goes beyond just fun playtime for your little ones? 🚼💖 Let’s chat about the amazing benefits of social interaction for us parents in these enriching classes!

👩‍👦 Bonding Time: Baby classes provide a fantastic opportunity to bond with our adorable bundles of joy. Through engaging activities and play, we get to connect with our little ones on a whole new level, creating lasting memories together.

🤝 Community Connection: One of the best parts is meeting and connecting with fellow parents who are on the same exciting parenting journey. Sharing stories, laughter, and advice in a supportive community creates a sense of togetherness and understanding.

📚 Knowledge Sharing: Baby classes often offer valuable insights into child development and parenting tips from experienced instructors. It’s like a crash course in understanding our baby’s growth and needs, making us more confident in our parenting skills.

💃 Parental Self-Care: These classes give us a chance to step away from the daily hustle and bustle, allowing us to focus solely on our little ones in a relaxed, enjoyable setting. It’s a refreshing break that rejuvenates both body and mind!

🎶 Musical Magic: Music and movement activities in baby classes not only make our babies giggle and clap but also provide a therapeutic outlet for us parents. We get to dance, sing, and let loose—truly a joyful stress-reliever!

🙌 Developmental Milestones: Watching our babies interact with others, play, and explore in a structured environment is heart-warming. Baby classes encourage early learning and developmental milestones, setting a strong foundation for their future growth.

🎉 Celebrating Milestones Together: As our little ones achieve milestones, big or small, we celebrate these precious moments alongside other parents who truly understand the journey. It’s a beautiful reminder that we’re all in this incredible parenting adventure together.

So, let’s keep embracing the wonderful benefits of social interaction at baby classes—building friendships, gaining knowledge, and creating beautiful memories with our tiny tots. Here’s to the joy of parenting and the shared experiences that make it all the more special!

Come and say Hi on our social media platform to stay in touch with parents before and after classes! 


Baby Classes Adventure Babies


Understanding Colic in Newborn Babies: Recognising the Five Tell-tale Signs

Welcoming a newborn into the world is an exciting and joyous occasion. However, for some parents, the arrival of colic can add a layer of stress and concern to this happy journey. Colic is a common condition that affects many infants, typically appearing within the first few weeks of life. Recognising the signs of colic is crucial for parents to understand and address this issue. Here are the five tell-tale signs of colic in newborn Babies:

  1. Excessive Crying:

One of the hallmark signs of colic is excessive crying, often for no apparent reason. Infants with colic may cry for hours at a time, especially in the late afternoon or evening. The crying may be intense and inconsolable, leaving parents feeling helpless and worried.

  1. Difficulty Soothing:

Newborns with colic can be remarkably challenging to soothe. Traditional comforting techniques like feeding, rocking, or swaddling might provide temporary relief, but the crying tends to resume shortly after. This difficulty in calming the baby is a frustrating aspect of dealing with colic.

  1. Knees to Tummy:

Colicky babies often display a characteristic posture during episodes of discomfort. They may draw their knees up towards their tummy, clenching their little fists as they grimace in apparent discomfort. This behaviour is a clear indicator of colic-related discomfort.

  1. Clenching Fists and Red Face:

Infants experiencing colic frequently clench their fists and have a flushed or red face during crying spells. These physical manifestations highlight the distress and discomfort they are going through, adding to the parents’ concern and worry.

  1. Tummy Rumbles:

Audible tummy rumbles and gurgles are common occurrences in colicky babies. These noises often accompany the other signs and suggest that the baby is experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort, a significant component of colic.

Understanding these signs is crucial for parents, as it allows them to differentiate between normal crying and the signs of colic. If you suspect your newborn may have colic, it’s essential to consult with your GP. They can provide guidance, reassurance, and potential strategies to help manage colic and provide relief for both the baby and the family.


Colic can be challenging for both parents and infants, but being aware of these five signs can help identify and address this condition promptly. Patience, support, and professional advice are key in navigating this phase and ensuring the well-being of both the baby and the family. It is a great chance to chat to other parents if you are going though this so please join us at your local Adventure Babies where you will meet lots of other new parents with similarly aged babies.